To most, a hemi refers to a powerful engine with a hemispherical head design. These were first used in muscle cars, made larger, and now used in pick-up trucks. If you check out trucks, it won’t take you long to find one with “hemi” emblazoned on it. As much as I love trucks, I could never drive a hemi without giggling. You see, to an animal biologist, a hemi refers to a hemipene. This is the forked, penis-like structure of male snakes. These can be ornate with spikes and recurved spines. It is generally thought that this allows the hemipene to remain within the female’s reproductive tract longer and allow for more time to release sperm. The structure of the hemipene is even used in the identification of the snake species. The appropriate way to preserve a male snake is to “extrude” part or all of the hemipene so a taxonomist can view it. I got to see a rattlesnake hemipene in a laboratory and it looked like a medieval torture device or something a Klingon would carry into battle. So, to dude who liked my truck – I DO NOT HAVE A HEMI!