In the grand litany of unfortunate names, the hornyhead chub is a winner! This minnow (Nocomis biguttatus) lives in small rivers and streams and eats small insects, crayfish, and other fish. (Did anyone else have a Beavis and Butthead moment on the species name “biguttatus?) It gets its common name from the many pointed tubercles that grow on the male’s head during spawning season. This literally (and figuratively) make them hornyheads. The chub part is in reference to its being a member of the carp family. I have no idea how you go from Cyprinidae (carp family) to chub!
If the name wasn’t unfortunate enough for you consider this: males build a cup-like nest with river pebbles. These can be up to three feet across and eight inches high. The male and female deposit their eggs/sperm into the nest and they cover it up with more pebbles. Males defend the nest. Because the males defend the nest, sneaky species come and spawn in the mound too. (Geez that sounds horrid!) Poor hornyhead chubs! They have an unfortunate name and they end up carrying for someone else’s babies - brutal.